Harold Altman

American Artist

Interested in selling a piece by Harold Altman?

We have received top dollar for Harold Altman works. Auction is the best way to quickly and transparently get maximum dollar for your artwork.

 Harold Altman Prints

Revere is constantly looking for good condition Harold Altman Prints to purchase for our clients. If you have one or several of the prints your collection has solid cash value.

All you have to do is bring you Harold Altman Print into our office or mail it and we will give you a cash offer on arrival.

Many customers ask if they can sell Harold Altman prints to us unframed and mailed in a tube. As long as they are not harmed in that process – it is ideal.

How much is my Harold Altman print worth?

Its not an unreasonable question but we cant tell with out seeing it, there are many factors including:

  • Is the print signed in pencil?
  • Is the print glued down to a board?
  • Has the print been cut down from its original size
  • Has the print’s value been affected by damage or foxing?

All these are huge factors when assessing value, a quick in person inspection will quickly allow us to tell you the answers.

Get a free auction estimate.

Sell Harold Altman Prints

Request Evalation  and Offer

We also buy and value prints by many other artists, if you have on you are thinking of selling request a free auction estimate so we can make a quick assessment and give you an idea of its value.

Some of the other artist we buy are:

  • Bev Doolittle
  • Terry Redlin
  • Harold Altman
  • Peter Max
  • Agaam
  • Les Kouba
  • G. Harvey
  • Howard Terpning
  • Thomas Kinkade
  • Duck Stamp Prints
  • Frank McCarthy
  • LeRoy Neiman
  • Patrick Nagel Noble Gallery
  • Louis Icart
  • Bob Byerley
  •  Mark Maggiori
  • James Jean
  • r c gorman
  • Itzchak Tarkay
  • Robert Bateman
  • Michel Delacroix
  • Malcom Furlow
  • John Nieto
  • Bianca Nemelc
  • Victor Vasarely
  • Olivia de Berardinis
  • Kenny Scharf

Interested in purchasing a Harold Altman work?

  • Please note any additional details about the work(s) you are looking to purchase.
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If you would like to learn more about the value of your Harold Altman works, contact us today!